Introduction to Business Development
Lesson #1: The basics for doing business with the government
Our senior business development expert, Alexander Jean-Baptiste, discusses the basics for doing business with the government.
In this lesson, you will learn about the importance of establishing a niche. You cannot market yourself as the jack of all trades. Instead, you must identify yourself as being an expert in a certain service or product. In other words, you must have a niche.
Are you able to articulately answer the question....."What kind of company do you have?"?
Are you able to adequately respond when someone says....."Tell me about your company."?
Your response will indicate what NAICS codes you have, how you set yourself apart from the competition, what the extent of your capabilities are, how experienced you are, and many other facts.
Your answer will either be given in person, over the phone, via email, within a database, or written in a lengthy proposal.
The answer to this question can be the difference between....
Having an effective capability statement or not.
Winning and losing your bid for a contract.
Getting an opportunity to pitch your service/product to contracting officers or not.
Being awarded a sole sourced contract or not.
Getting recruited by potential teaming partners or not.
......and so on and so forth.
Do not overlook the importance of getting the answer to this fundamental question perfected! It is the most basic part of doing business in general, but with the government in particular.
If you need some assistance in answering this question, reach out to Alexander Jean-Baptiste at for a free consultation.